General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Calibration

MMR Calibration in General Discussion

    Ok, so I just finished my Ranked Calibration, and checked to see my MMR. Turns out it was 1635.

    My Ranked Games:

    How is this possible?


      You're not good. Is it so hard to get? You have to accept it, and not think you're better than you are. If you do that, you'll never improve.


        Considering your account is fairly new it's not too surprising, however given your KDA's and wi rates are pretty good on most of your heroes you seem like you'll move up fairly quickly

        To what extent will you move up? That's for you to determine


          I guess you played bad fist 10 or 15 games, then unranked mmr decided you belong to lower-mmr bracket.

          Ranked is based on unranked at first.

          So what you can do is:

          Play more. Even 3.5-4k player can literaly win 15 out of 20 games in that bracket.

          I have friend, and he has 1.6k. People are just bad at that bracket. Really bad.

          Rushing Daedalus on Bloodseeker, a lot of out of positioning going on and so on.


            Well here's my guess, your first few pages of games are terrible so they probably put you in the shittiest bracket. So regardless of how well you do from there on, you're simply moving 25mmr per game.

            puni puni butt UWU

              oops that post was supposed to say i was calibrated 1.6k and im nearly 3k just by playing mid. its a hard road filled with south america but you can do it buddy.

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                  @noob You say that like 4k is any better.


                    you got that cause you suck! aaaaaand a lot too