General Discussion

General Discussiontemplar assassin pro playa pls help me

templar assassin pro playa pls help me in General Discussion

    well, i recently played sum TA games with my smurf and it's my first experiences with this hero. i almost always go mid a spnd prefer phase over power tread but when i see some high-ranked people ( who is actually 6k players ) i can find they prefer tread over phase boot. afaik, phase boot's ms boost is better since TA is a hero with low-ranged attacks and low-ranged skill ( meld ) and if you can slow your opponent, raw damage and chasing power is wayyyy better than the attack speed. can someone enlighten me why good players love building treads so much ?

    and TA, as i know, is a hero that need items and levels to gank efficiently, so i often start decrease my farm a little bit and looking for killing potential while hitting the creeps around the map at level 7/8 when i have traps, phase and bottle ( or maybe a little bit sooner if i can get a haste/dd rune and i have good disablers in my team ). can anyone tell me when is the good time to help my teammates ?

    i'm going 9-5 on TA and never ever have a bad KDA on TA ( often 3 to 4 and in some games i stomped as killing 2x and die 1-3 times only ) but in almost everygame, i can see in my team there is at least a guy who sucks really hard ( i used to win a game 28-2 and all my team mates have negative K-D scores, all -3 and -4 ).if sometimes I get a feeder, I can call him sucker of scrub but if i have feeders in every single games, the problem must be me. Should i decrease my farming time and looking around to help my top and bot more ?

    ye, ty for any idea and sorry for my bad baddd english


      For them it doesn't matter which build they pick i guess, they are 6k afterall :smile:
      Best TA player build phase boots


        Phase boots have more impact early game because of the raw damage and chasing capabilities. Power treads are better for lategame since the MS will boost your dmg output. Choose depending on what your team needs.

        the realm's delight

          treads = attack speed, which is something ta loves early game. also tread switching helps u a lot. anyways, i have my own way to play ta with treads and midas and no blink, usually works 90% of the games for me. but i usually tend to farm a lot in early stages of the game and avoid ganks/fights.

          u should watch this tho



            or search DragonFist


              dragonfist is 7k and builds phase.. the thing about it is that it allows you to be really aggressive (as he lanes vs 5k players he can do that), while treads gives you more sustainability. I once talked to Zenoth and asked him his boots choices and he said he would go for Phase because he doesnt need that much attack speed as he only needs 2 or 3 hits to kill someone


                Treads are almost always better because they are so versatile. Pretty much every bottle hero should go treads because of the advantage tread switching gives you. If you see a chance to snowball then you can go for phase.

                Also watch some players like wagamama, wave, dragonfist and others and see how they play.

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                  tks everyone for the comments. i have one more question. pls tell me when is the right time to build blink ? i know if i build blink i will pay 2050g for no stats, no damage, no hp or mp so i usually avoid building blink and make yasha and drum instead.but when i see pros like waga and dragonfist's build, i sometimes see them build blink ( but they still build drum and yasha for majority of time ). so can anyone explain when is the right time to build blink ?
                  in waga's video, he said we can build blink if we are far far ahead and can 1-2 shot every one and seeing killing potential that true?


                    yes. blink is a snowball / ganking item. it's not as good in teamfights where something like a drum or yasha would be more useful for the same price.

                    if you get blink when you are behind, you are not going to be able to quickly kill any of the enemy team with it, so the item becomes almost useless. if you're ahead, your stats will still be comparable to the opponetns even if you spend 2k gold on an item that doesn't give you any.

                    Quick maffs


                      I like the treads drums yasha build

                      but i didnt try phase yet so i cant tell you

                      but seriously: Just check this guy replays

                      biggest tryhard i have ever seen in Dota, i dont know how he has fun doing the same thing over and over ( picking ta going mid mutting all his team mates ) but oh well he is really good so ....


                        just go phases and swap into bots if game drags out late

                        there is very small difference between phases and threads threads is better farming wise phases is much better for chasing and killing also that raw damage early on really helps winning ur lane (considering refraction wasn't enuff to do so lol)


                          IS DAGGER on ta is a must? Or not really?


                            blink is situational on TA, reserved for snowballing, and its not necessary most of the times. its good for obvious reasons, but you don't have to spend 2150 on this if youre not snowballing hard.. with drums phase and yasha you have good chasing potential, add your traps and bang. blink allows you to blink in, meld, hit, trap and hit and run away with another kill on account.. it makes you engage faster.. but its not optimal when you can't kill your opps on 3 hits or less

                            i generally dont build it though, with the gold usually I go for a crystalis or start a desolator


                              ???? zenoth comparing himself to the great dragonfist? oh ye heathen


                                get shadow blade :laugh:


                                  i once saw a player build sb on TA in competitive games ( but they are just tier 2 SEA teams ).can sb considered good on TA ?


                                    SB on TA is retarded imo..

                                    Just go for the safest build..
                                    Phase > Drum > Yasha or Deso ( if on Dire side )
                                    > Manta, Daedalus, Bfly, BKB or w/e depending on your game..

                                    Dagger is situational.. i've seen countless TA rush Blink Dagger and can't make anything out of it..


                                      well higher winrate, gpm and average kill/assist per game offsets my lower mmr


                                        What Zenoth pro TA player too. My gawwwdddd!


                                          agree. sb is retarded on TA.

                                          but how abt cuirass and bkb ? stats say that DragonFist build BKB 64 times and Cuirass 32 times in 358 games, while Wagamama build BKB 85 times and cuirass only 17 times in 385 games. As TA is a whacker, why the numbers of BKBs built is so low ? is that TA doesn't fear those disablers that much or they just don't drag the games long enough to the point every one needs a BKB ? and how abt cuirass ? it's just a situational or TA need daedelus and manta much more and cuirass is shit ?

                                          and @FTY-, pls enlighten why you prefer rushing deso over yasha on Dire side, i really don't understand.

                                          ty for every comments and links that you guys give me. i watched some pro moves and tried new things today. i'm now 12-5 with 2 impressive stomp 12-1-5 and 24-1-10 today lol


                                            Because BKB is situational

                                            Cuirass is naturally built on Str carries who lack of attack speeds and armors

                                            Agi carries however already have high agi base and growth will eventually have enough attack speed and armor at higher level

                                            As deso on dire side, i guess it's because dire has roshan advantage? with deso you can kill roshan very early.


                                              Deso on dire because of the rosh advantage; get a good rune like dd and you can sneak rosh in pre 15 minutes.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                Deso all the time actually, when you can consistently get it before 14 minutes


                                                  zenoth mb cuz lower mmr games has lower skilled players therefore they don't contest ur ta that much and u can farm more and kill more and whatnot ? also win more games ?

                                                  im prettysure if i was playing on 3k accounts i would win atleast 90% of games instead of my current 57% where im mostly laning 6k+ mmr mids


                                                    mb im around top 50 by rating in my region and i've scrimmed with ta against the top few teams in my region and won unfavourable lanes easily?

                                                    you talk as if your account is alot higher rated than mine rofl

                                                    i routinely lane against the best people in the queue and you diss me like that tsk

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      ta don't have unfavourable matchups besides dazzle which is never mid

                                                      and darkseer that is never mid either


                                                        deso pre-14 min mark ? maybe i will try to do it tommorow.
                                                        as a clinkz, it's not too hard for me to complete an orchid at that time but it's clinkz, you just need RingB and brown boots and go straight for Orchid. As TA, i have to buy many laning and early games items like phase,bottle and drum... and my farming on TA is still quite bad.

                                                        but consistently get deso before 14 min is really impressive.mb i will watch and analyze your replays more Zenoth.

                                                        @Valkiss i watched sum of your replays, your slark is really good.and your TA is very good too afaik.i wish to see a matchup to know who is better zenoth or valkiss haha


                                                          when i have motivation to play majority of my heroes should be pretty good

                                                          cuz i usualy just fuck around ruining my games and watching russians cry pre ti2 when ta was meta i used to play hero like 5 times a day in scrims with my team


                                                            tell me after you lane viper, warlock, phoenix, or wisp + 1

                                                            viper is the easiest to lane out of these few heroes, which is saying something

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                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                              me/zenoth/dragonfist/swiftending/wagamama etc

                                                              i dont like wagamamas ta build because he buys ptreads, midas etc (LOL?)

                                                              viper is the easiest shit to beat with TA, here is a replay on what to do "810446960"

                                                              the only hero i have problem against is razor and ember (vs ember i guess max meld? but i think 2 points in refraction is good too?)
                                                              its funny as fuck when people pick viper and lose their lane instantly, just insta pick TA and rape shit, thats the only way to improve

                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                i think razor is a direct and 100% counter to ta, no way to beat razor as ta actually

                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                  phase > ptreads because the extra dmg and you can get to your pray faster, only way to justify ptreads is to buy midas.

                                                                  drums into yasha into deso into manta or whatever

                                                                  Kai no Kiseki

                                                                    What about vs jakiro o.O

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      i think i will enable my dotabuff when my smurf is 5.5k instead of 4.9k, i did some strong feeding/abandoning to 4.5k or something lol


                                                                        zenoth look my last game vs viper

                                                                        had pretty ez game maybe strugled abit laning phase lvl 5 to 7 and when they gank me with bat+ench+skywrath but viper is only scary for couple minutes and then hes worthless u can dodge his ulties with meld and refraction nulifies his hits


                                                                          like i said viper is the easiest to lane of the lot

                                                                          tell me when you win a decent razor/phoenix/warlock in lane

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            phoenix vs ta mid or what do you mean?

                                                                            ICE SKULL

                                                                              srsly tho how the fuck do you deal with razor and warlock

                                                                              do you buy boots before bottle vs razor


                                                                                phoenix isn't hard either was playing vs phoenix 2 games ago

                                                                                2 bad my team was trash and enemies team had 5 man deathball so i couldnt win alone

                                                                                razor yes u do buy boots level 1 and even then u wiill still get fucked most of the time cuz ta is rightclick based hero and razor steals the damage u cant outrun him if he gets pasive + link so u will get ur damage stolen majority of the time

                                                                                but razor mid is so uncommon in pubs that u shouldnt even worry about it

                                                                                and also there comes the 5v5 factor

                                                                                u tell ur team to gank razor he gets ganked couple times and then u snowball out of control

                                                                                or if lane is hard grab that spawning rune and go camp enemy supports fuck farming in lane

                                                                                warlock mid is also not ttoo common u just need to have good positioning not to get fatal bonds with 5 creeps and do good rune control with haste or dd warlock should be ez kill

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                  nigga i have met razor mid like 6 times on my smurf that i pick ta only and it has like 80 solo ranked games now

                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                    Fun fact, TA's overall have a 36% winrate vs both Viper and Venomancer.

                                                                                    Heroes that you should avoid playing TA as are probably Viper, Venomancer, Darkseer, Phoenix etc. I am guessing you want to keep your shield up for as long as possible without some asshole instantly removing it. Also please people stop buying orb vs TA it doesn't work.

                                                                                    > Dragonfist (literally mains the hero and does it non-stop)
                                                                                    > Swiftending (same as above)
                                                                                    > Bricks (old dota1 buddy I used to game with way back when)
                                                                                    > Zenoth/Wave (both seem good but never watched)
                                                                                    > Wagamother (again can't vouch but seems good)
                                                                                    > Sneyking (seems decent)


                                                                                      Wow warlock is counter to TA and TA counter Viper?
                                                                                      As 3k player i learn something new today.
                                                                                      I might learn how to play TA from now on.
                                                                                      I will download replay from each player and become 8k next week.

                                                                                      I'm still waiting dragonfist to play storm spirit again so i can download his replay..
                                                                                      i accidentally deleted mine :cry:

                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                        Viper still counters TA VERY well it just depends on the player and the decisions and item choices.

                                                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                                                          ta or viper doesnt counter each other, u could say qop counters puck if a good player is on qop.
                                                                                          warlocok however fucks over ta 100%


                                                                                            lol havoc

                                                                                            wagamama was known as best ta europe before ta became mainstream hero
                                                                                            thats like quite a few years ago

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              I have problems against bat :/, i mean not in mid but in general the fucking turn rate and slow makes me wanna cry

                                                                                              Any tips boys ? i guess you get blink ?


                                                                                                bat is known as biggest ta counter since ever

                                                                                                ur supposed to have problems against it

                                                                                                Quick maffs


                                                                                                  What would you get against bat ? blink deso bkb ?

                                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                                    BKB but even that isn't so troublesome to bat rider.

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                      not picking ta would be best against batrider

                                                                                                      or having team with long range disables like venge/earthshaker/mirana/void or smth like that to lock him down before he gets someone

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        There's no point in building ac on agi carries as butterfly is 800g more but has 60 dmg which will do a lot more dmg than the -armor on ac, more attack speed, armor difference is nothing cus butterfly has dodge. I think butterfly will negate more right click dmg than ac. The only reason to ever consider ac on a agi hero is if you have a ton of other heroes on the team who would benefit and are not natural ac carriers like if your team is a bunch of assholes who pick three agi carries lol. Otherwise request a str hero builds it.