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General DiscussionNeed Help, Why did I lose ?

Need Help, Why did I lose ? in General Discussion
Mac_Lilypad [NL]

    So we lost this game:

    I think we lost cause my team went split pushing, got caught by a 5 man deathball, died and then they deathballed racks. But I wonder if there is anything i could have done different, I mean, just look at that xp graph ! we had this game under control :S


      >But I wonder if there is anything i could have done different

      play better. if you farmed better or snowballed harder in kills the game wouldn't have got to the point where the enemy could win fights.


        Wrong items i guess.

        EDIT: Good positioning and you don't need any other items =)

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        King of Low Prio

          can people please stop using the term deathball every single time the other team wins a team fight.....

          King of Low Prio

            you prob should have gone support kunkka to help split the farm better on your team


              5 carry team , why no wards, where is mek. GG WP


                Even being a SINGLE DRAFT game, having no supports is a difficult task for any team, and the possibility of losing in such scenario is quite high. Spirit Breaker contribution on the game was also quite low, dealing only 10% hero damage of your whole team.
                Juggernaut, which was your main carry and did 36% of your team damage, also didn't build a BKB, or any defensive item at all.
                Gyro farmed poorly and made a Manta (!?!?).
                Morph also farmed poorly and had no significant items, considering that it is a Morph in a 55 minutes game.
                You also didn't build BKB.
                No one in your team has done Mekansm and Pipe (People really underestimate the power of those in TeamFights).
                You let the game go long enough for them to simply recover, never underestimate the farming potential of an Alchemist.
                The enemy team had an enormous amount of armor reduction, making your entire team into glass cannons.
                And last but not least, there is no sure win. Even a single failed teamfight is enough to shift the entire advantage to the opposing team. SPECIALLY if your team is not saving for Buy Backs after 30min++ mark.

                The reasons could go on and on, but basically: Poor decision making and no strategic thinking.