General Discussion

General DiscussionAn experiment

An experiment in General Discussion
mike374040 new tryhard doto account
    Gonna smurf to level 13 legit and then see what my mmr is. Right now I am 2.4k mmr scrub so I'm curious to see what my new mmr will be (probs still 2k lol)

    Well anyways I'll keep you guys updated, wish me luck


      lol dem scientists with their experiments =), gl dude, careful, don't feed more than 20 times per game.

      King of Low Prio

        you will calibrate 3.5k-4.5k and ruin games til you are back to 2.5k. This is not new and these experiments are so brainless and retarded. If you actually cared about 'research' you would collect all the available data. This is not about research it is about fueling your own delusions about your own skill level.

        g w s

          sampson why you always gotta be mean


            @ dino, too many smurfs these days, thats just all. every 2nd guy has a smurf for 1 reason or another.

            no hate for this guy, i hope he gets 6k mmr and carries arteezy.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            g w s

              its dina ;_; i still dont see the need for people to make smurfs :/ mmr is overated


                @ dinA, sorry m8 i am blind xD. people just want an easy way up thats all. to get 6k and supposedly have good games.

                Quick maffs

                  Its not about research or about fueling his own delusions blablabla, its about curiosity, personally i always have been curious of what would happen if i did that, what mmr would i get how much time it would take back for me to go back to my own rating etc.

                  King of Low Prio

                    your curiosity ruins the game for 9 other people

                    Quick maffs

                      Well not mine i dont have a smurf :P

                      Quick maffs

                        If you ask me valve should just have a better anti-smurf system.

                        Or you should need more games in unranked to play ranked


                          @Sampson how do I 'ruin' games

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          King of Low Prio

                            I made the account during the insane mute phase where it was insanely sensitive. I played the last match on skybird just to get it so that it shows Sampson on dotabuff


                              Well, compendium battle points bonus is over. YOu now, without any bonuses, need around 130-140 games which is perfectly fine.

                              King of Low Prio

                                You ruin games by playing outside of your true MM. If every game you where against rtz he would murder your whole team and it would not be fair for your team, the same goes for the opposite.


                                  making a new account and playing 10 calibration games is not an accurate measure of your mmr at all. in order for elo/mmr to have an accurate rating you need to have lots of samples (games).

                                  so the ingame client may say that your smurf is above your rating on your main, but that's because the rating is most likely inaccurate, due to having less than 100 samples to detemine mmr from. whereas on your main, you have ~800 games and you're still somewhere in 2k, which should indicate you're not improving much.

                                  that's why you'd 'ruin' games.


                                    tjx for ruining moree games 2k shit


                                      are you guys retarded? he went negative on his first game.. you guys play at 4k smurf detection prob wont even pick him will just put him in at 2.8 k after 5 games and he'll stay there. Sampson chill the fuck out dude its only game.


                                        Sampson lets make a bet. Guess his calibration if its between 3.5-4k ill get you some keys or something!


                                          You're not going to calibrate on 4-4.5k+ unless you go 30-0 the first game or stomps through the calibration games, and neither of those things will happen so don't worry.


                                            dont worry you will not go back 2.5k. maybe you will go down but not that hard. you will learn and getter better than your usual 2.5k

                                            King of Low Prio


                                              oo look another 'scientist' doing research for the good of humanity, thank you kind sir.

                                              Hex Sigma

                                                No, but sampson is right. It is retarded to do this because

                                                1. You will be placed higher because you'll prob. pick heroes like zeus
                                                2. You will fall easily cause ur lower than ur actual rating
                                                3. You will also ruin games(too many smurf already)

                                                If you wouldve been better you couldve carried your games no problem.


                                                  You might not necessarily drop.

                                                  Look at this way, some people never improve because despite playing horrible, they maintain a 50% wr. So one might actually improve playing against players SLIGHTLY better than him. i.e. a 2.5k player who calibrates 3.3k might settle down around 2.8k. It can be a good thing for the person.

                                                  Don't see the reason for hate. Do you play games so others can have fun? Or do you play games so you have fun.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    'Don't see the reason for hate. Do you play games so others can have fun? Or do you play games so you have fun.'

                                                    that is literally the most scumbag shit I have ever hear come out of the dota 2 community. You sir must live a pretty deprived life.

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      lmao you're all fucking wrong and should shut the fuck up

                                                      only "" is correct


                                                        "that is literally the most scumbag shit I have ever hear come out of the dota 2 community. You sir must live a pretty deprived life."

                                                        Everytime you snowball and own, you take the fun out of the 5 enemies you crush. You also probably ruin your the game for your teammates because it becomes so utterly boring for them. Nothing more boring than being 2-3-1 when your mid TA is like 14-1-7 or playing a game where you get one-shotted the moment you leave base.

                                                        So are you saying you shouldn't own?

                                                        You don't play dota to make other people happy for goodness sake. If these people are willing to grind out and tryhard for 100+ games for a number then let them?

                                                        If anything, playing a game so others can be happy and have fun is the disturbing thing.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                 I went 20-4? I though it was kills+assists-deaths not kill-deaths

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                          King of Low Prio


                                                            just because you are a socially inept basement dweller does not mean that normal people do not understand the nature of a group competition.

                                                            it has nothing to do with making going out of your way to make others happy it has to do with you going out of your way to make other people unhappy. It is pretty pathetic that you do not know the difference between the two.


                                                              It technically is but when you're smurfing (especially on heroes like SF) you should pay more attention to K's and D's

                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                it is pretty pathetic you have no idea how smurf detection work and like to talk out of your ass like a butthurt redditor in tears


                                                                  I agree with

                                                                  After 10 games probably he will already reach the "forced 50%" winrate, will realize he is still in "Normal" bracket and most likely will abandon smurf, before being able to play ranked.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  charged up

                                                                    > I went 20-4? I though it was kills+assists-deaths not kill-deaths

                                                                    wow that's sad


                                                                      Smurfing doesn't ruin games. Flaming does, just like what Sampson does right now.

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        shitty delusion 2k players in my games ruin it

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          the antismurf system was created to prevent high skilled players from ruining low skill games and these scumbags take that as a opportunity to abuse the it.


                                                                            @sampson that account of yours looks mighty smurf like


                                                                              So you're implying you enjoy being in passive lane and suddenly the game is almost over because your mid single-handededly stomped everyone else? Cause at the end of the days its a group competition.

                                                                              Uhhh no. Call me socially inept but I don't think thats fun.

                                                                              Anyway, its not as if smurfers go out of their way to ruin games. Who the fuck smurfs to lose? And honestly I don't see how they ruin games that much. Players are only going to notice a huge difference in skill if theres like what, 700~ MMR difference? Its post TI boosters, smurfs have to grind through 100+ games. If you can bump into anti smurf and still maintain 50% at whatever rating it gave you for over a hundred games, then bloody hell I think its safe to say you can claim your skill to be close to the rating you're assigned.

                                                                              You've probably come across players who sucked in your game and were smurfs. What about other players who sucked but were not smurfs?

                                                                              The real pathetic thing is you have to resort to calling me stuff like a "socially inept basement dweller" or having a "deprived life" because you don't agree with my opinion.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                'I made the account during the insane mute phase where it was insanely sensitive. I played the last match on skybird just to get it so that it shows Sampson on dotabuff'

                                                                                the OP alrdy tried to use that dumb comment


                                                                                  stop fucking trolling! you're so bad you dont even know whats fun about dota


                                                                                    @humdinger scrub


                                                                                      Lol the anti-smurf thing works pretty well anyway, just made this account, first game I lost.. second game I'm playing very high.
                                                                                      Don't think you can actually stomp games, unless you just intentionally lose over and over, to get shit mmr etc


                                                                                        'I made the account during the insane mute phase where it was insanely sensitive. I played the last match on skybird just to get it so that it shows Sampson on dotabuff'

                                                                                        the OP alrdy tried to use that dumb comment

                                                                                        That was back when this was still in beta, what was that a year ago? and you've only played like 40 games lol


                                                                                          E X P E R I M E N T B O Y Z

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            'Anyway, its not as if smurfers go out of their way to ruin games.'

                                                                                            once you create a smurf you are abusing a system that was put in place to protect new players. So yes you are going out of your way to ruin games.

                                                                                            I called you a socially inept basement dweller because you do not understand that normal people would do in similar situations. It is like playing a casual pick of game of football and some kid comes with cleats and refuses to take them off. Yes the game is better for that ONE person wearing the cleats but it fucks it up for the rest of the people. You are the little fgt who keeps he cleats on.


                                                                                              its not like op belongs with the new players kappa


                                                                                                I repeat, a smurf takes a sample of 100~ games. (non ti smurfs)

                                                                                                Anti smurf bumps you up, it doesn't keep you there.

                                                                                                Unless you're playing unranked (then don't complain), smurfs you go against have held their rating for a minimum of 100 games. If they were as horrendous or horrible as you've said, then they their hidden rating would have long dropped and their calibration would be their real MMR.

                                                                                                If anything, they might be worst yes. But uncarryable? No. I guess its easier find someone to blame for your loss instead of criticizing your own play.

                                                                                                Your example is horrible btw. Its exaggerated beyond belief but you're so blinded by your hate and ego (i don't know here you get it from since you're barely 4k) that you don't realize it.

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  See you are so socially inept it makes communication with you so hard.

                                                                                                  Winning =/ fun just like losing =/ not fun

                                                                                                  balanced game = fun

                                                                                                  You are so autistic that you cant even grasp normal social interactions, please stay in your basement

                                                                                                  'Your example is horrible btw'

                                                                                                  that is some great grade 6 argument you got going there, next are you going to say my logic is flawed because I am a poo poo head?


                                                                                                    Selecting certain phrases and twisting them.

                                                                                                    Blatantly ignoring logical chunks of my post.

                                                                                                    Saying someone has 6th grader arguments when previously shooting out crap like "deprived", "socially deprived" and an exaggerated example using normal shoes and cleats. Might as well damn the people who use autoexec.cfg and console commands or damn people who using gaming mouses and keyboards. Curse you for not being casual! Right?


                                                                                                    I swear to god I have no idea why I bothered responding to you properly when you were obviously gonna be toxic from the start. That was my fault. I actually thought you were more logical and mature of a person.

                                                                                                    I'm not being sarcastic on that last line. I really thought better of you, otherwise I'd be ignoring you like that idiot Benao who goes around threads saying toxic shit.

                                                                                                    But eh, I'm a socially inept basement dweller, you probably don't care about my opinion anyway.

                                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                                      The fact that you STILL dont get it is laughable

                                                                                                      your argument

                                                                                                      Your idea is stupid

                                                                                                      my argument

                                                                                                      You are socially inept for X Y and Z

                                                                                                      see the difference?

                                                                                                      Your first post in this thread was

                                                                                                      'Do you play games so others can have fun? Or do you play games so you have fun.'

                                                                                                      I did not edit your post or manipulate it in any way. Do you really need me to explain this to you why you come off as a socially inept person?