General Discussion

General DiscussionOH MY GOD THIS NEW CHEST

OH MY GOD THIS NEW CHEST in General Discussion

    ^ which item?

    because from catalog they only mention the normal version

    Miku Plays

      ^ the golden chest


        im buying that shit to get the drow hat :D and i want an unusual courier too :B


          i opened 10 and no usuasual courier.... in total ive opened like 400 chests and still no fucking unusual wtf is this shit RLY!


            [IMG][/IMG] i bought 6 more...

            why the fuck doesnt it come with particle effects?? should i sell it idk pls i need some assistance


              OMFG ITS NOT WORTH SHIT!!!!!!!!!


              bum farto

                Btw, thought I would mention that there are a lot of items people don't know exist cause they're only on the perfect world servers and they have their own item database.

                Examples of ones I have bought for like 1 Euro each...

                Genuine Totem
                Genuine Abba
                Some weird genuine ward

                ...and a lot of other fucky stuff. The issue here is a lot of this shit will lose value fast and be worthless whereas some of it may be cheaper now than it will be when the community driven economy kicks in. What to buy, what to buy.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  i bought a drow bow from the perfect world...but i dont know how to search for items only coming from there

                  bum farto

           then just find some of them on the market, that was from one tournament, all of them are genuine. Their dota2 client doesn't even run through steam so they have their own deal going on.


                      This is getting silly now. It's like Valve wants ALL of my money.

                      (And their probably going to get most of it because I am weak willed!)

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Donald Duck

                        Spectre one changes desolate attack.


                          did anyone notice that enigma shit looks like
                          looks like...
                          fucking spermatozoids

                          Donald Duck

                            Brew changes q effect :/


                              THose looks so sexy I want to fap :3

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                I dislike how there are two Kunka swords and two cm immortals, at least cm's are for different slots.


                                  RIP, i sold my genuine frost owl beacon for this fucking special effect -.-


                                    Anyone feel like that adolens (enigma shit) looks like something from matrix? lol


                                      yeah, i felt that too


                                        they are going way overboard on the immortals....

                                        All of these should have been genuine.


                                          YAY lets focus on useless cosmetic items and ignore the real problem like always


                                            like what...?


                                              The only real problem in Dota is the lack of techies and that's almost fixed.



                                       <---- shows all the new chests items the engima wards by far my favourite

                                                and speaking of perfect worl items i have the genuine purple set for drow on my main that they only sold a few for some korean promotion or something its worth a fair bit i think

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  28 minutes ago
                                                  like what...?

                                                  dunno playing vs bots ? hows passive bots nowadays? they manage to last hit 2 times every minute?



                                                    It clearly states " Random courier w/ special FX and colors ", so why doesnt it have the custom particle effect that the chest itself says it has ? is this some kind of false advertising that i'm not getting or what am I missing here ?

                                                    Aren't the ti4 couriers supposed to be special ? why are there plain versions anyway? the chances of getting one of them is already 1-2%, how is it fair to get a genuine version instead of an unusual one ? an "extremely rare" courier that turns out to not contain the custom particle effect said on the chest, which is barely worth 5 euros on steam market...

                                                    Is there gonna be an update similar to the last one regarding the international couriers that didnt have a custom particle effect and later on received them as well ?

                                                    I Got one as well and was really hyped about it, just to find out its fucking worthless and doesnt have the particle effect that was PROMISSED


                                                      yeah im wondering the same.... like wtf!


                                                        are you guys kidding?
                                                        there are 2 version of course, the non unusual and the unusual one
                                                        the unusual one worth 100 dollars -.-

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            did u not click on the link that i put with the description? it says on the god damn description of the chest itself "Random courier w/ special FX and colors ", IT DOESNT FUCKING SAY THAT IT MIGHT BE A "RANDOM COURIER W/O SPECIAL FX AND COLORS" .....


                                                              wow finally an item for morph that you can actually see? ABOUT FUCKING TIME


                                                                Oh my bad, i never read those description :laugh:
                                                                I usually just browsed at youtube


                                                                  Well thats the whole idea :/, thats why people are so pissed off about it, if the couriers inside are gonna be without any special particle effect then why does it say otherwise ? a lot of ppl including myself feel deceived about it, if i'd knew better i wouldnt have spend 1 single cent on these chest, instead i've spend like 25euros, and the stuff inside it its barely worth anything cause of the inflation...i sold it all and i got 15 euros back and the courier which should have been worth a lot more.


                                                                    FML :p
                                                                    someone complain to valve and get this fixed ^^

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      I did, i've send the created the following ticket

                                                                      "First of sorry that i couldn't fit the issue in a specific category but there was none that matched my problem.

                                                                      Ok so here's the thing, i've bought several lockless luckvase chest directly from the store using steam wallet, then i traded 3 more from other people exchanging treasure keys for them. From all these chest i received an extremely rare courier aside from the other immortals, Mechjaw the Boxhound to be more specific, needless to say i was really hyped and happy with my "luck" but soon to find out to my disbelieve that its missing the unusual effect and gems PROMISED in the description of the chest itself thus making it almost worthless ! Here's a link to a screenshot of the description of the chest.


                                                                      It clearly states " Random courier w/ special FX and colors ", so why doesnt it have the custom particle effect that the chest itself says it has ? is this some kind of false advertising that i'm not getting or what am I missing here ?

                                                                      Aren't the ti4 couriers supposed to be special ? why are there plain versions anyway? the chances of getting one of them is already 1-2%, how is it fair to get a genuine version instead of an unusual one ? an "extremely rare" courier that turns out to not contain the custom particle effect said on the chest, which is barely worth 5 euros on steam market...

                                                                      Is there gonna be an update similar to the last one regarding the international couriers that didnt have a custom particle effect and later on received them as well ?

                                                                      I'm hopping i`ll get a reply as soon as possible, i am really displeased with the situation seeing how i was looking forward to purchase more chest but i'm putting that aside until i get some clarifications.

                                                                      By the way, from a little google search i'm not the only one surprised by this issue, there are a lot of people wondering the same thing."


                                                                        thx for the info... keep posting :D!this shit just cant (shouldnt) happen


                                                                          Sorry for spamming with this but if anyone wants the Ursa blade and has the Spectre blade pls add me. kthxbye


                                                                            Basically you guys should make sure to get your hands on one of the genuine versions just in case because Valve has in the past converted non unusual TI couriers to unusual ones.

                                                                            That said, I don't think they will do it this year, but they should frankly.


                                                                              ^ but then the price would drop wouldnt it? since there would be nothing special about unusual


                                                                                frull is 140 dollars now



                                                                                  this thread gave me cancer.