General Discussion

General DiscussionHow good is Vlads on AM?

How good is Vlads on AM? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Is it good enough to invest 2k gold in additional farming (and a little pushing) item or does it slow down item progression too much?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It depends on your game plan. If you wanna totally avoid fights and just farm and split push then you should get it. But if you feel like you are gonna have to fight soon just rush Manta.

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        takes no damage from the jungle (mana burn + lifesteal)
        amazing for split pushing (+5 armor and damage for creeps)
        good mana regen (vlads + bf and you can blink non-stop)

        Low Expectations

          ^^I did that but I just ended up running after everyone due to lack of lockdown

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            so then just keep ratting while your team defends 3/4vs5.

            if you can push to the same degree as 5 people on the enemy team and you're also getting towers then you're winning that trade.

            also it's pretty good as an indirect farm booster, since you'll be able to do ancients and also clear waves a bit quicker and you won't have to go back to base, so it pays for itself pretty quickly.

            Mac_Lilypad [NL]

              Ask your support to get it


                Sam said it pretty much, no reason to repeat it.

                Also remember getting a quelling blade for the extra damage after battlefury. Let's you farm and push faster.


                  I never seen a point in getting vlad instead of helm/mom if your hero didnt have other unique attacks, especially on carries that could change it to satanic - anyone can enlight me?


                    supports can't follow you around the map, that's why carries sometimes get it. especially AM. no support is going to follow AM past towers when he's creep skipping, not that they can catch up to him with 315 base ms and blink.

                    supports carrying vlads is for when you're fighting as a team. if you're split pushing then you're going to be separated.

                    we're talking about anti mage here. he can't lifesteal with dominator / madness if he's levelled mana burn which is a UAM, so the only way he can lifesteal is with an aura (vampiric or vlads)

                    Low Expectations

                      Satanic is more suited for carry heroes who doesn`t have a passive orb in their skill list which will conflict with other orb/buff placer items. Trading HoD for Magina`s Mana Break (with or without illusions) won`t do you any good.

                      If you want lifesteal, just get Vlads. If you want some extra survival, get BkB or even Heart of Tarrasque that`s all.


                        mana regen and team aura

                          Low Expectations

                            Hmm I actually might what mmr range do you play at? Seems like about 4-3,8k


                              Oh I guess I havent checked good enough, thought mana break isnt an unique modifier, now its clear


                                totally 3.8k-4k


                                  I tried it after seeing moonmeander do it, and i gotta say i really liked it. you're always at full hp, you can clear ancient stacks without a problem, and have the ability to solo rosh.


                                    Vlad's is definitely a greedy item, despite being a cheaper item. It allows faster and stronger solo pushing, with regeneration and farming in the jungle. Also solo rosh and ancient farming are pluses.

                                    The only cons are that it delays your Manta style, so if fast Manta is required don't get it. For example, in games where enemy Storm Spirit, NP or Invoker rushing orchird.


                                      2k is very cheap for AM with battlefury..


                                        I use to never make it on am.. now I make it after the bfury/manta/heart and I think its decent. Easily sold for abysal though if I get 6slot

                                        I dunno usually I dont build something just cuz pro do it but I did notice it lets me manfight alot better. If Im just split though heart is obviously all you need.

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                                        आप गे क्यों

                                          vlad's a good option when
                                          1. u are losing like shit and u already have ur bfury
                                          2. u are so ahead that it doesnt matter what item u go


                                            after? you're supposed to get it after battle fury, so that it helps you farm your next items faster.


                                              Well I don't really get it to help my farm since sending manta illu down a lane is better and I can already clear entire jungle before respawn. I get it to help lategame manfight if I cant split to win


                                                I've seen the best antimage players build it every time. I guess it's good :)