General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people suck at Dota?

Why do people suck at Dota? in General Discussion

    I mean Dota is a pretty simple game, isn't it?
    If you play carry get last hits, buy the tight items kill enemy team. Support, protect your carry, pull, tp to help etc. Why do people still battle with this game?
    Why do you think that some people just can't grasp how Dota works? Arrogance or stupidity?

    I have been randoming allot lately and it has really shown me that Dota is not "hard", there are basic concepts and once you grasp them it is not that hard what makes the game hard is the people who you play with.

    I feel that people playing "play" too lose, by not thinking about the other team's heroes or what heroes go well with this team.
    People don't think, no bkbs against magic damage dealers, no halberd against ursa/pa, no hex's for fed heroes.
    I really think that people set themselves up for a loss, by not thinking they almost guarantee a loss.

    i have been winning more games lately, I think it is because of buying the "normal items". I get what we need for that game, Hex abadon and halberd ursa stuff like that.

    I would really be interested in why some people are like this.

    Quick maffs

      Usually because there is people better than other at videogames, i have a friend that it doesnt matter which game we play he always beats me, why ? because he plays more than me, a lot more. ( except dota, he got bored of dota for some reason )

      Hex Sigma

        Because they want to play their own game. The average scrub picks huskar cuz he thinks its op, goes mid because he thinks he's pro and makes mistakes because the other team can play around his cons. Also maaaaaaaany people tend to follow builds mindlessly hence the 30 mins PA bf etc.


          You know why? Coz some ppl doesn't want to understand the game mechanics fully, and they just enjoy their game.

          @Dorkly Just because a player plays more than others means he can outplayed every1 or beat every1 in the game, coz example of that are ppl who play alot but doesnt understand the game fully that's why there are noobs/retard players in dota


            Depends on what do you mean by sucking at dota. For 5k+ players who spent their life (lets say stared playing doto 8-10 years ago when they were 12-15yo) even a 4k player sucks at this game rly hard, how can someone miss a last hit anywayss, thats sooo ez. But for a beginner, even a 3k snowball hero player is god in this game... Some ppl simply suck at this game, couse they are either new or dont care enough, others dont really suck at it, they are just ... better than avg, noob compared to others. Everyone, even pros make mistakes, so...
            Its a game, sometimes ppl play it when they are tired, even had some drinks, whatever, shit happens. They can be just depressed, sick, gf/bro/mom/roommie talking to them in the meantime, lagging, whatever.

            All the roles have difficulties, for a carry, choosing the wrong item can mean game, for a support deciding if you can go to pull or gank mid instead of babysitting your carry is also tricky sometimes, especially if you havent played this game for ages... For a mid, its easy to lose your lane, should happen in 50% of your games tbh. For everyone, its hard to play from behind, that forces most players to make more mistakes and when youre already behind and make just one more mistake, thats enough so you look like you srsly suck at this game, even if you snowballed in the last one. Thats how dota works... Most ppl on their level can play perfectly if they are ahead and suck when playing from behind. Imo at least...

            King of Low Prio

              my friend got sucked into the international hype and she started playing dota. Rarely do I see friends come to dota with 0 moba knowledge and it made me realize how much shit is going on at once in dota when I am explaining shit to her.


                ^ my first ever dota game i almost cried when my friend was yelling at me on ts how fucking retarded i am for not being able to use a tp scroll, i just have to click on it... I was constantly clicking on the icon where i can buy, i didnt even realise wheres my inventory. Also i was autoattacking creeps couse my friend told me i dont have to, but i wanted to help the creeps anyways, i had nothing else to do... :'( He just put me against bots and told me to buy those things and read stuff on my screen and i had no idea whats going on...

                When im trying to get a friend into dota, i start with sitting them down, draw a map and explain the game in a half hour then we can play, so at least they have some kind of idea wtf theyre gonna do. If they have moba exp then i just explain heroes enemy/our team has and they can do their stuff. But its still sooooo many things for complete beginners happening at once. Its not at all a simple game.

                King of Low Prio

                  Im trying to get a hold of melody to teach her shit because I suck at teaching things. Altho I taught her how to 10mins into the game the ancients and jungle fully stacked and she is like lv 2 ><

                  Quick maffs

                    Please give tutorial about how to teach people dota, i have some friends that i would really like to help but i just dont know how


                      I remember when I first started Dota. All I had was guides on YouTube and later on these forums.

             - Guides on Heroes and Roles

             - XVRogue casting regular games and explaining how to improve (Name Shame Fame Flame)

             I started watching these when I started to get used to Dota a bit more


                        I don't mean people who are new to the game I have no problem with "noobs".
                        I have a problem with people with + 700 hours of dota who don't buy the right items, even the most basic and simple items. Items like magic sticks against a bat or bristle or bkb against stuns, simple stuff.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Dota is actually quite complicated dude. There are many, many things happening at once, just go watch some brand new players and see what happens. It takes 50-100 games just to understand what all the spells really do and that's not even touching more complicated topics like lane/creep equilibrium, pulling camps, tp'ing to towers, diving towers, ganking etc.

                          Also as far as picks I completely agree with you that people just pick what they want to play without paying attention to their team or the other team whatsoever and it pisses me off to no end but that's the game. Most people want to play a "cool" carry like PA every game and they still pick last cus that's what pros do right?


                            Dota simple game ?
                            lol, k


                              Dota is as simple as Chess.

                              There are only 6 types pieces, each with their own way to move them on the board. Simple right? No.


                                I was not talking about people new to the game, I was talking about people who should after spending so much time playing should know better what to do.

                                I think simple is not the right word, I should say that it is not that complex. There are some simple rules that anyone who tries will soon grasp, things like tp'ing to help a lane etc. again I am not complaining about people new to the game. Rather it is those who "think" they know the game.

                                example: I supported a PA, she got good farm, but rekt by the Invoker. I said a few times get a bkb, but she new better.
                                If you have played +800 hours of dota and you skip a wand against a bristle. This is what I mean.

                                I meant simple as in, "I keep getting rekt by stuns? what should I buy, I know! a basher"
                                "The jungle is not safe, I have been ganked twice already. No worries, I will go back to the jungle!"
                                "I have died twice already, I will still get that 18 min midas"

                                SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                  daily reminder if you cant play heavy exort
                                  you suck at dota


                                    Well they aren't really bad then, they just lack at decision-making, item choice. To improve those things, you really need experience and lot of knowledge about dota, whats the pron and cons about the heroes etc.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      well people tell me Kendo is easy because there are only 4 main point zones




                                        "I don't mean people who are new to the game I have no problem with "noobs".
                                        I have a problem with people with + 700 hours of dota who don't buy the right items, even the most basic and simple items. Items like magic sticks against a bat or bristle or bkb against stuns, simple stuff. "

                                        I do feel you on the same point, but how can you ask them about making the right stuff, when "pro" don't even know how to stuff themselves


                                          @mid or i fucking something
                                          daily reminder: you have a 39% ranked winrate in sea at 2k


                                            message Chris if you want to know how to teach people dotes



                                              his advice to me when I was playing Bristle

                                              Lorne Malvo

                                                Thing is that most games are stomps. If you are being stomped it is hard to not look bad, especially when playing with strangers who start venting their frustration at each other in the least helpful way (flaming, scapegoating etc).

                                                Once an enemy team has gained a significant advantage and snowballed then most any decision after that point will be wrong ... you just end up in a catch 22 situation.

                                                That's the nature of the game.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I agree with you there zenithar, there's three problems. People blindly pick whatever they think is fun to play cus they want to play it. If you want to do that fine, but pick first or second, not fourth or last. When I want to pick a hard carry I do it fast so I don't get blamed when we have 5 carry team that get's stomped.

                                                  Second issue is people blindly follow builds cus they don't know shit about items, they just use some guide they read or the in game guide. Case in point:

                                                  I don't remember all the specifics but I think PA went battlefury -> bkb cus that's what my friend builds every time on PA, doesn't matter if we need to fight early or late, or if the other team has magic or not, he always builds this on PA. It's not terrible but against a lineup of kotl, bs, weaver, sniper and lc bkb is a waste of gold. Their only two real disables go through bkb with lc and bs ults so you're basically spending 4k gold to stop kotl from nuking you. Kind of stupid.

                                                  And then people don't pay attention to what other team has. Fighting a lich and earthshaker? bkbs and pipe on supports is awesome. Fighting all right clickers? Get some freakin dodge. You have PA on your team? Do not get butterlfy cus other team is going to build mkb! This shit seems obvious but people just don't care.


                                                    My biggest thing is that most people don't even seem to care about how they are playing. I'm at 2k player who has played close to a year with about 700 games. I want to get better. I track my progress on here and its infuriating when I see my last match with 1 or none of the other players in any game not even have their account open for comparison. Like they don't even realize their own poor play drags down the whole team.

                                                    The people who never carry TP scrolls. 20 min Midas'. 0 other BKBs in games with 180 stuns. Auto attacking creeps. Simple stuff I haven't done in 500 games but yet every game I play I see other tards doing this stuff

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      my biggest issue would be faggots who do stupid shit such as never using spells.

                                                      pls press 1 button

                                                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                        YEAH DOTA SO SIMPLY GAME THATS WHY U ARE ON 7K MMR AND U HAVE THE HIGHEST WR EVER SEEN


                                                          Everyone cant be good at everything. Some can play 5000 matches of a game and invest thousands of hours into it and still suck. Why? Read my first sentance again. Some are naturally talented for it and really quickly learn stuff and apply it into their playstyle. And some are just dumb for certain things. Thats life boys :) You want real games and people actually caring to win? Go find a team and tryhard till you die.


                                                            @ Hurricane, not talking about talent. No matter what I do I wont ever get as good as Blunt for example, I accept that. However there is a huge gap between raw talent and knowing when an item is a good idea. You don't need talent to know that bkb's are nice and that wards are usefull, that's just plain obvious.

                                                            @ Wave, you say that now until you get a support Lion useing his spikes to farm and tells you(anti), "he also needs farm". We lost that game :P

                                                            @ Blunt @ Fnatic, I won't ever get to 5 k mmr let alone 7. I have some knowledge, but lack the actual skill.
                                                            But I was not talking about skill. It takes no skill or talent to buy a wand that is just common sense.

                                                            God, I am tired of Midas buyers. Please remove that item!


                                                              midas is a great item.
                                                              i am tired of doom tinker wk void pickers. remove those heroes or nerf the fuck out of them

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Why everyone hates tinker he is such a cute hero

                                                                I bet all of you hate science too


                                                                  " Rarely do I see friends come to dota with 0 moba knowledge and it made me realize how much shit is going on at once in dota when I am explaining shit to her."

                                                                  I feel that pain :D came to dota as first moba and i must say i didn't know wtf was going on. The videos on youtube like learn dota 2 by dota cinema and purge etc really do help with the basics


                                                                    Guys, look at International. There are 4-5 carries in picks, Midases in every second game, support Juggernauts, hard lane Voids, Bounty Hunter with Blink, Force Staff and Tranquill Boots etc...

                                                                    What you expect from pubs if even pro players do crazy stuff?


                                                                      i hate tinker because when he is in my team i lose because he sucks, when i play tinker enemies pick nyx pugna and doom, and when enemies pick tinker i lose. thats why

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        lol, anyway pugna and nyx are not really an issue, pugna is more like free food :P

                                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                                          EE said in a interview that his whole job as BH was to snipe couriers and distract the other team hence the items

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            yeah but pros are pros, they play stuff like medusa and wraith king as supports, they will emphasize letting enigma's and omni's farm up their blinks at the right times, they way they play games is night and day to how a public game goes. Pro players do unconventional stuff that pubs shouldn't even try. Pubs just need to master basics. Going PA and refusing to build a bkb against a disabling team or blindly building battlefury every game is stupid and too simple.


                                                                              When I first started playing dota I played with my friends and was immediately berated. They had already played for a year and expected me to have the same amount of skill/knowledge. Now they still treat me like a noob but im better then most of them so it's fine.

                                                                              Also about why do people suck at dota idk but this made me want to hurl myself off a building. I won my solo lane as wd against an axe.

                                                                              Had to edit this because im in a game almost equal in trash as the previously mentioned game.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                @dorkly he actually is a really big issue if they pressure 6 towers in 15 mins and you literally have 0 space on the map. tinker is food for nyx

                                                                                Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                                                  Vaeldiithia: " can someone miss a last hit anywayss, thats sooo ez...."

                                                                                  so i checked his lasthit record. 294 / 53min Luna


                                                                                    I can't tell you how many times i get told "Have you even watched the international?", when I question the pick of a fourth support or when I ask why five carries? Got told to go 'F myself' by a mana boots kotl, who last picked a fourth support, hint we lost that game :P

                                                                                    The Pro's can do awesome things, they are the gifted few. You average pubber is not and should not try the things they see.
                                                                                    Should add a disclaimer:
                                                                                    Don't try this anywhere, this done by trained professionals. doing this could lead to flaming, many losses and possibly even murder if you let slip your contact information.


                                                                                      simple answer:they are stupid.okay man listen this.we have 2 top 1 jungle 1 mid.he didint pick last hero.we said pick offlane.he picked lich?????????lich againts slark and wr.ı said dont die let them slark farm.he died 5 times in 3-4 mins.then blamed us.blamed everyone.its not about noob or being bad player.its about no brain.u got it?dota 2 players are not noob.dota2 players are idiot.if ı win game.enemy team has idiot.if ı team has idiot.if who gots idiot or idiots that team simple.its like gambling.lets see who got idiot then gg,so fucking simple.


                                                                                        Dota players are stupid you have to be smart.


                                                                                          Ede, that was between fucking " ", and i tried to sum up 5k players opinion on 4k players play. And that is kinda true, they wouldnt miss that last hit, thats one of the reasons they are 1k higher. Low 4k players still miss some doable last hits, that top tear players wouldnt... So the 5k player has a reason to say he sucks at last hitting, though hes still a looot better than avg 2-3k scrub. My point was either half the ppl dont suck at dota, or everyone does exept those few top players.... Depending on what you mean by sucking at this game.
                                                                                          Im 3k and never play carry, I have like 10 carry games on my acc in total.

                                                                                          Heres the entire context...
                                                                                          " For 5k+ players [who spent their life (lets say stared playing doto 8-10 years ago when they were 12-15yo)] even a 4k player sucks at this game rly hard, how can someone miss a last hit anywayss, thats sooo ez. But for a beginner," It started with fucking "FOR 5k players...", not for me. My point was, for me, those players are really good, but for someone a lot higher, they seem to suck.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            ^ except for the 19 drow games :P


                                                                                              ^Benao played 9 of those for fun, to stomp noobs.
                                                                                              And at least 3 maybe even 5 of the other Drow games were support Drow in party either for Benao's Sniper or your smurf radi-ghostwalk invoker...

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                what pisses me off the most is when you pick something because in your lane there will be a teammate with stun

                                                                                                then you think "this is gonna be so ez rofl", then you start playing and the guy simply forgets he has a fucking stun..... never seem to use it

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  @leejunfan, lich is fine for offlane. He has awesome creep control with his sacrifice. If they don't pull he will keep the lane under his tower. If they do pull he can harass the solo person out of lane easily with frost nova spam. I offlane lich all the time and do fine, the guy probably just sucked.


                                                                                                    2 hours ago ı said something.1 min ago we reported puck(dont ask why :) ) and he said ok ıam gonan feed then he ı dont care mmr but playing with kind of people it looks like we are wasting time.


                                                                                                      DOTA 2 roles: carry, support, jungler... distractor... =)

                                                                                                      Supports buy items not for themselves, but for their team. So it is not always bad to have mana boots on KotL.

                                                                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                        the reason why dota is so hard is 99% of the player base plays it like wow, when it isn't.