General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do people think when

what do people think when in General Discussion

    they lose to a single offlaner + loses t1 at 6 minutes
    occupying the courier for salves for 2-4 minutes straight
    when they see your mid is being camped by other team supports and he needs to bottle crow but you refuse to upgrade the chick

    how do these people think? is it legitimately autism or do they intentionally want to lose. if you're one of these players, kill yourself with a plastic bag


      pls tell me this game didnt count because network died


        Its ok bro get it all off your chest im here for you...this is a safe place let it all out *opens arms for warm embrace*

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        ICE SKULL

          its so fucking mind blowing how any game that isn't page 1 or page 2 is a complete pubstomp in favor for the opposite team because i end up with 4k players

          ICE SKULL

            it counted and i lost -30 :S

            bum farto

              "they lose to a single offlaner + loses t1 at 6 minutes"

              This happens when the lane is complacent about killing the offlane, then suddenly they will get the urge to go but whether due to miscommunication or rotation they die to the offlane giving him a gold and exp advantage. The rest from there is downhill as the support will try and do a half-assed rotation mid leaving the carry solo who will die again then the lane will get flooded and they will push the tower. This results in a "I have no where to farm" or a "GG 10 minutes no ganks".

              Solution: The offlane should not be allowed to just leech or worse yet, farm. Sink time into securing your lane and only stack and gank when you know its a good time to do so.

              "occupying the courier for salves for 2-4 minutes straight"

              Everyone needs healing but most supports should have enough on them to keep their carry alive and the carry should have bought some.

              Solution: Maybe don't buy the gloves of haste first and get a stout and some tangos

              "when they see your mid is being camped by other team supports and he needs to bottle crow but you refuse to upgrade the chick"

              This is a huge fuck up as usually as a support, or ganker I am always behind the tower at about 2 minutes to get that courier from delivering the bottle. By 3 minutes that courier needs to be upgraded and its important that your team has the items being delivered at the accelerated pace of an upgraded courier.

              Solution: Just upgrade the damn courier supports!

              I think this boils down to bad practice with supports who think that they need certain items to be useful or even have an impact. I hate games where I am solo supporting as I feel I don't have as much impact as if I was to have a load share with a secondary support. Most people will opt for a jungler over picking a second support. "Hey, could I please have a second support so we can roam" *picks NP or Doom.

              .....however enigma players I don't really mind tbh.


                happens all the time when there's a brood picker on other team and ur supports exp parasites don't buy any sentries

                a few days ago i had the same shit - picked PA, last pick abaddon support (sigh), offlane enemy sand king sits in sandstorm for 8 minutes and gets a blink, no one on my team buys dust/sentry meanwhile my other lanes lose and whine and cry to me about how i didn't win against a SK (????) good thing i could flame them for being lesser beings at endscreen :D

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  what if i told u they have autism? would u reconsider ur stance on encouraging them to suffocate themselves :P

                  Quick maffs

                    "Hey, could I please have a second support so we can roam" *picks NP or Doom.

                    that sounds like me

                    King of Low Prio

                      'happens all the time when there's a brood picker on other team and ur supports exp parasites don't buy any sentries'

                      you both know who you are

                      bum farto

                        The thing is brood does require a lot of attention, he will literally overwhelm your lane at level 3-4 if not kept in check and its imperative that you have sentries from the get go before he gets a shit ton of webs up and you can never catch him.

                        People always go "how did you lose your lane to a solo brood", the answer is easily. Good brood players can apply a very inordinate amount of harass early game without the ability to return the favor if you do not have any sentries. Do not buy dust, as this doesn't work at all early game, just spend the extra 200 gold securing the lane.

                        ICE SKULL

                          ok i was vs klasynky and won, easiest fucking game cuz hes trash but i lost -30 and won +24

                          i will dodge if im not page 1 or page 2 because i always lose -30 if its anything else

                          ICE SKULL

                            if im up against brood you ignore brood and go to other lanes, he cant break through t3 if you have good line up

                            bum farto

                              ^ which account was that on...pretty high up on the MMR there.

                              Quick maffs

                                klasynky looks like a good player man

                                is he really that bad ?


                                  klasynky fucking tinker picker

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    I know klasn and he isn't that bad but not that good either.

                                    ICE SKULL

                                        looks like you haven't touched it in awhile.

                                        Decent complain thread though. Many players know what they should do and don't do it. Either they don't trust their team mates and thus want to keep gold for themselves, or they don't care to put the effort into playing properly.

                                        "its so fucking mind blowing how any game that isn't page 1 or page 2 is a complete pubstomp in favor for the opposite team because i end up with 4k players"

                                        Obviously not the case considering you win 5 out of 6 games.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          It happens all the time vs clock, timber and any stealth hero but mainly brood, bounty and weaver. The support often let clock and timber hang around and completely underestimate their burst with cogs/battery/rocket thingy and timber's pure dmg chain shit. you let these guys hang around get up a level or two cus they are solo vs your duo and they'll burst you hard. Same thing with weaver and bounty, only these guys are completely killable when they try to burst you but people don't buy sentries. Just stupid.

                                          Also these braindead supports are always obsessed with pulling the camp and will leave heroes who need babysitting vs a weaver or clock to be food.