General Discussion

General DiscussionTechie Trouble

Techie Trouble in General Discussion

    So apparently Doto is gonna release techies after TI4 , they deal tons of damage and it isn't even magical , it's composite , how do you even deal with that? Even if you almost manage to kill him , he'll just suicide.
    And I'm positive that at least one guy is gonna choose techies at the 75 second mark ( hero load out)


      u get a rubick and do the same

      bum farto

        Techies can actually hurt your team a lot more than you know, this goes both ways. While he is so amazing at these traps and getting kills etc what hurts the most is that if it goes late game, techies will do very little.


          need mod for auto pick techies :P


            plus most heroes have received tweaking before entering dota 2 client, maybe techies will too.


              Techies is the hardest hero to play correctly, even meepo is not close in terms of difficulty, but well, great techies win game by theyselves.
              On the other hand all other techies (mostlikely all human but 2-3 choosen on earth) just make their team lose.

              Miku Plays

                why is he annoying? what are his skills?


                  just fucking pick dazzle, get blademail and gem. find mines and blademail + grave. move on them


                    Oh ya , blademail works on bombs , why didn't I think of that ?
                    Turn on blademail
                    Bomb explode
                    Damage returns to the bomb


                      @b u t t e r b o y s

                      Or abaddon... But you can't get these items so fast. When you get them, he should depend on the ultimate and no on the land mines..
                      Ultimate with aghanims is pretty OP..

                      Nature propeth is good against techies.. You send 1 or 2 treants to walk around to destroy land mines and you can buy orchid to avoid suicide..

                      Vanity  ツ

                        I've heard good things about sentry wards and gem, maybe this will force those greedy supports to buy sentries at the start of the game.


                          Yeah, abaddon would work too. However, to be fair. Dazzle doesn't need blademail.

                          Get bloodseeker or some normal blademail carry to get blademail asap and you can do the trick aswell. It's probably more of a troll strat than anything else though.

                          Just as when I was playing Skywrath vs. Pugna. Bought blademail and like 9 hots. Ran into nether ward, blademail and ulted some random place.

                          Skywrath (SuperVGODfan#1) has killed Pugna (fuckintrashbogidoto)

                          ICE SKULL

                            illusions/gem/treants/anything fucks over techies

                            Sugar Show

                              Two words:
                              Nature's prophet :cool:

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              Jorges Sanz

                                Techies actually can be viable with all the mines/traps/remote bombs giving free map coverage, im sure its potentially pretty good counter to smoke. I havent actually played a techies game after they introduced smoke of deceit in D1, so i'll leave it at that.

                                Techies Aghs is also strong for turtling and pushing (lvl 2 remote bombs w/ aghs insta kills creep wave afaik with decent aoe to boot). Blademail isnt a counter to techies rofl, it only counters a retarded person who doesnt know how to play techies.

                                ICE SKULL

                                  im gonna fucking main captains draft when techies is out and everyone realize he is garbage tier shit cunt hero

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    playing with 3k-4k mmr players > dealing with techies

                                    would be nice if techies was against me tho :> free wibbies


                                      yea blademail...
                                      but !
                                      blademail also used to work against rhasta wards.. also death ward, so I wonder if they gonna fix it or remove blademail for mines


                                        Playing against techies is like playing Minesweeper...only a bit more interactive and twice as boring.


                                          noobs this is not call of duty. if you think techies will stack mines on rune and camp for you for the whole game... You are in for a big surprise.
                                          He can kill your towers with 4 mines. all he has to do is plant a mine on your t3 and towers goes down by a quarter of it's hp. your gems won't save you today
                                          Also, rat doto counter.


                                            But who is good against Techies then? teamfight wise, lane wise, etc. I didn't play Dota 1 or anything like that.


                                              range hero, tanky hero, illusion hero

                                              आप गे क्यों

                                                techies has 2 general play style
                                                1. retarded suicider
                                                2. retarded miner

                                                any hero with silence kills him b4 he suicides u
                                                eg. drow, dp, bs, lion

                                                any hero with enough hp / proper warding will clear techies mines
                                                if he goes tower mining, your heroes are playing something wrong

                                                He is a troll hero, best there is

                                                आप गे क्यों

                                                  in dota 1, even if u get beyond godlike in techies, your team might still lose

                                                  but you'll laugh your way to defeat, at least


                                                    Techies + Tinker for the ultimate turtling capability


                                                      Suicide cast time sucks! It's like you'd try to land a leshrac stun at melee range.

                                                      Zeus and Necronomicons also counter him quite hard.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        Just get a nyx with a gem.



                                                          techies is gonna be another rat

                                                          Bot (Passive)

                                                            blink techies with stasis is going to be a nightmare

                                                            6 second aoe stuns on top of rp/black holes/vaccuums incoming boys

                                                            not to mention remotes are fucking obnoxious

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            .  .

                                                              Reminder: aghs range got nerfed
                                                              Reminder: suicide is with 3 minutes cooldown
                                                              Reminder: techies got nerfed hard because IceFrog said that "techies players asked for suicide to get the xp" so now you actually steal the xp from your carry when you suicide and you can suicide 3 times less. GG TRASHCANS TY FOR RUINING MY HERO NO RE

                                                              Bot (Passive)

                                                                its still a guaranteed first blood, and the hero with a blink is incredible


                                                                  Sentry, sentry everywhere


                                                                    back in dota1 i always picked morphling to counter techies.
                                                                    just have someone get a super early gem, basically pass the gem to anyone about to get replicated then use it to detrap/bait traps w/e


                                                                      Mines on highground = gem doesn't help


                                                                        Common sense = Doesn't move to places with no vision

                                                                        edit: feel like a stalker

                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          oh so we just need to look at the ground all game



                                                                            i think after a week or two mine spots will become predictable, ie, rosh pit, the stairs to the dire anchients, secret shop, so a good centaur with blademail should fuck him up.


                                                                              oh and nightstalker/kotl aghs +gem.


                                                                                or necrobook


                                                                                  illusion or minion heroes > techies.

                                                                                  PL, TB, NP, Lycan, Naga, enigma, enchantress...

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    I dont give a fuck my pubs are still going to be ruined if they are on my team or in the enemy team