General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom 5000 to 4300 mmr

From 5000 to 4300 mmr in General Discussion
Ion Kjell

    Try other heroes, you might get lucky. or just uninstall... :)

    harvard graduate

      Oh People who spammed Brood and Slark in 6.79 drop to the MMR they belong into now? Damn thats new :/

      Ples Mercy

        Pls teach me how to TB


          you just fucking suck trash hero picker every game


            well you weren't 5k 5months ago... You were struggling getting from 4200 to 4,5k if I remember correctly.

            (I remember this quite well cause you said you'd reach 4,5k easily in 2days, but it never happened.)

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              Funny how '5k' player can't climb from 4.3k.


                now he's 4,2k :p

                Hex Sigma



                    He's actually 4.4k ;) He'll get to 4.6k easily, then one bad day and a lot of rage and back to this.

                    Zephyr | Purge

                      someone just ban this bogi guy allrdy every day he posts a new thread crying about how amazing he is and how shit every other player is .....


                        ^ we better ban trash smurf like you





                            he never was 5k lolz


                              ^ True, but I was 4977 which is same shit


                                I believe 4977 is exactly 23 short of 5k

                                Ples Mercy

                                  in bogi's world it's the same. Bogi also thinks that he is a pro player.


                                    No I don`t, but whatever if you feel better for your lies than keep it up.


                                      Well, in theory he lies, but he knows he suck even though he lie about his mmr.

                                      You don't lie about your mmr, but you think you're good.

                                      Pfff, 4200too hard to carry ehmirite.


                                        This guy is 20+ yet to be mature. Funshit.

                                        What fuckin 20+ acts like this? Im flattered. BOGI LETS 8=DC:::8


                                          Act like what? You called me retarded cus I m 4200 mmr, I deleted you simple as that. Dunno whats inmatture there. You got some social irl problems seems like when you 24/7 talk about maturity and if someone say this or that he is mature or unmature or some shits rofl just sad as fuck.


                                            I didn't call you retard because you're 4200? I called you retard cause you talk bullshit to me all the time.

                                            Do you think I fuckin care about you not being able to carry 4200. That there's so many retards in 4200?
                                            Ofc, you're there to cause of a reason.

                                            You don't need to spam me with your bullshit about horrible games, cause I don't give a fuck.

                                            Also, thanks for deleting me, you did me a favor. Didn't need to find you on my huge friendlist myself. DDQP for that one.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Quick maffs

                                              "This guy is 20+ yet to be mature. Funshit."

                                              "I called you retard"

                                              " BOGI LETS 8=DC:::8"

                                              "Also, thanks for deleting me, you did me a favor. Didn't need to find you on my huge friendlist myself. DDQP for that one."

                                              Ohhh, sweet irony.


                                                i went from 4.1 up to 4.3k playing void every game and the guy who is supposedly a 5k player cant get out of 4.2k

                                                SEEMS LEGIT


                                                  Is it really hard to climb? I climbed and now atm im at 4.4k without spamming pubstomp heroes, of course i played some of them once in a while. Rather than playing those heroes, just find heroes you are good at and with that maybe you wont have a 48-49% winrate in rank


                                                    "i went from 4.1 up to 4.3k playing void every game and the guy who is supposedly a 5k player cant get out of 4.2k

                                                    SEEMS LEGIT"



                                                      FanofEnVy, it was not on this account as you can notice the last matches here were like 1 month ago, I just played 2 games today

                                                      it was on a smurf, but the point here is not my acount and im not claiming to be any good, im just sayin that the guy really believes he belongs to 5k yet he can't get his mmr up from 4.2k


                                                        When youre having a bad day, read this thread



                                                          The thing is Bogi could've been a good player, but he's too full of himself. He's so ignorant and his attitude is complete shit.

                                                          Look at his games. The one thing that's common in 99% of his games, is that he's in them AND he plays carry in them.
                                                          Cause you know, he's a good carry you see.

                                                          Prob believse you can't win games alone by playing support or other.
                                                          Also I've heard that he thinks Void and Spectre's top3 of his best heroes. Owell.


                                                            I've had an easier time raising my MMR by picking shit like Veno/WD and just telling the team to go 5 man (since that's what this meta is all about) as opposed to farming 10+ cs/min on carries and not doing shit to help the team.

                                                            See, the thing is, you have 2 options for winning games: killing the retarded 4k players on the other team (shit like slark/ember/ta/storm excel at this) or 5 manning. I've tried both and 5 manning is so much easier because u don't even need decent micro skills. Walk to tower, plant rhasta/veno wards (or turn on DP exorcism), and then watch their towers melt. Only a few heroes like Tinker/Clinkz/Weaver/NP can safely farm if there are no towers nearby so you've essentially secured the outcome of the game as their safelane PA has nowhere to go. Obviously you're going to get games where someone randoms a medusa on your team and then the shit falls apart (be sure to flame these people afterwards) but overall these happen pretty infrequently.

                                                            Looking at Bogi's dotabuff, he's probably the type of player who's usually off afk farming (slowly, I might add, his GPM every game is pretty unimpressive) while his team is feeding and then he blames them for losing him the game. It seems he still doesn't understand that HIM not doing anything is also a contributing factor. This is why Swiftending actually spent most of his games in the 4k bracket "experiment" ganking the players on the other team (camping safelane in jungle) instead of afk farming (he had modest 5-7 cs/min with most k+a on his team) because u can't rely on the people not to fuck up somewhere. You make sure the other team is underfarmed so the people on your team have more space for error - it's really that simple.

                                                            Eat or be eaten.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              By the way brood is literally one of the worst heroes in the game (it's really hard to push past t3 even if u somehow manage to get t1 + t2 against non-retards) so IDK how you can complain about ur team when you could easily pick something else like Tidehunter offlane and win ur team almost every single teamfight. I guess if the other team picks something like sniper + rubick then yea you could win the

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                I love you all


                                                                  actually brood is op righ now (still)

                                                                  bum farto

                                                                    I see my report from that game we played worked @Benao | Dotabuff [Muted]


                                                                      :D i dont remember though
                                                                      agaisnt whom?

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