General Discussion

General DiscussionFavorite Roles?

Favorite Roles? in General Discussion

    Im just wondering what role everybody likes :D.

    For me i like to play a mid role because you can easily snowball and have fun with interesting builds like razor agh refresher, but the downside if you lose mid really bad you might lose the game because the other mid might snowball outta control.
    Also i love to play supports because they dont need much farm, you can do well early-mid game

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    Sup m8

      I like mid role also, because you don't depend on your teammates. I play in solo que, so never expect anything from them.


        All roles. Playing just one is so dull.

        nuvole bianche

          the killurself role


            @Spitz I play all roles too but everybody has to have a favorite role right?

            Guys dont forget the feeding role or GettingCarriedByUrTeamRole

            Quick maffs



                Mid role for me, but support is also fun. Mid is my fave though because it kind of feels like a 1v1 duel type thing, that and i like gankers and mid tends to gank a lot.

                King of Low Prio

                  mid is only a 1v1 in the trash tier


                    Zeus offlane role, feed heaps and still win.


                      ward or courier, depending the picks

                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                        I like Semi-Carries. Whatever I pick, I play it as a semi-carry.
                        Can't play Supports. And don't like to Hard-Carry (although I do sometimes).




                            offlaner, coz I'm snowball always suddenly


                              "Ward bitch" here.


                                the stack slayer

                                jungle stack

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Haha i feel you soultrap when i get a nice support that doesnt need items like bane i buy like 50 wards and sentries


                                    Hard feeder


                                      roshan killer




                                          Eveyrone knows support makes or breaks games :) carries r just in it for 5minutes of fame :D we all know the little supports do all the real work


                                            THE ROLE OF NOT GETTING FCKIN RETARDS IN TEAM, I LOVE THAT ROLE.


                                              ^ Ma Nigga


                                                Hey, Caion)

                                                btw caion, I fckin dominated with meepo with 2k expm XD

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Offlane and Jungle. Think its good to know a bit about all roles so you not so critical of the carry or ward whore when they fuck up coz it happens.


                                                    jungle/carry mainly :P

                                                    Donald Duck

                                                      Well, offlaner is my favourite role...

                                                      But I guess that the thing I love in dota is ganking. Mid, support, offlaner, doesn't matter. I roam a lot with every hero to try to get a kill, and in almost every match I get first blood :D




                                                          Caionagandaia4 hours ago
                                                          ^ Ma Nigga

                                                          calling the redneck photo guy a nigga.

                                                          lets see how this goes

                                                          <font face="wide latin">N...

                                                            counter initiator

                                                            Lorne Malvo

                                                              Running around like a headless chicken supplying adequate support *for a pub game* cough, cough, while hoping I'm not in the Special Team and praying for our Carry to do well and carry our collectively sorry arses to victory.

                                                              la the yeezy

                                                                For me tank role is the best role.

                                                                la the yeezy

                                                                  But casters are pretty fun

                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                    5 pls. 4 is fine also.


                                                                      me <3 3