General Discussion

General DiscussionMy account got disabled from ranking - Admin please read.

My account got disabled from ranking - Admin please read. in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    Does DSR even make sense btw?


      Yea we usually play normal bracket matches only


        Even though these guys play in LPQ, Least Played or so, they do play well. How good they are, I have no idea... but they have beaten pro players in pubs several times.


          @ Captain. I watch play, not stats. There have been Ursa-wisp stacks that were actually rather mediocre but got 100% win.

          I have played with and against pro players. I know how fast and how precise they are. I know what it looks like. Vroksnak has talent... currently he tends to be sloppy and inconsistent because he is pubstomping. But he could be really outstanding.


            llol no


              ... I suppose you think you could not be on a pro team either... since I have said the same things about you? You are good enough to be pro... just not a Tier 1 pro team.

              Are you really still upset that Murs is better than you?

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                murs is better than me on penis sucking


                  Talent is one thing, the right mindset another one.


                    isnt relentless a treant picker and hes taking pride playing vs and with "pro" players? LOL get the fuck ou to fhere kid go back to theorycrafting shit that u know nothing about


                      oh relentless <3

                      King of Low Prio

                        pyron flax has played with pro players too.....


                          Murs is the greatest. Who can forget this thread


                            out of curiosity: his nickname is from the french word for "walls"? or is it something else?


                              ^ Lol, what a random comment. I cannot tell though, I've seen anglophones using "mur" or extending it like "murrrr" as an onomatopoeia for purring or moaning...I really hope that's not the origin of his name.

                              BTW, let's just all chill out from this topic and worship Merlini

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                vrok's abusing stack now has to offer:

                                -2euro per win
                                -if you wanna go mid you have to pay an extra 1 euro
                                -0.5euro to pick aegis
                                -0.25 for each ancients stack farmed

                                NinjaPigeon 鳩

                                  Currently we have 2 spots left: message me if u want to join on steam: vrokstackabuse112


                                    also, in order to hear the three legends (Vroksnak, NinjaPigeon and van-art`) through teamspeak, you have to bring a wet-cold towel to wipe off the sweat from our legendary foreheads.


                                      l2p noobs


                                        Suddenly, this term makes a lot of sense :D

                                        Woof Woof

                                          i feel something was wrong about them now its clear ^


                                            holy shit 2pages


                                              dont waste your money on van, he is worst slark eu


                                                See, what i don't get is why you guys treat each other so poorly with so few people to actually communicate with. Normally the shit talking is greatest on boards with many players... but minimal when there are few and everyone knows one another...

                                                DB is an exception.


                                                  That's how Dota players show they love each other...haven't you learnt anything after almost 300 games? :P


                                                    u all are fags and u should die.


                                                      vrok must be the best russian player i know.



                                                        watched abit that VP match lol disgrace u talk about it even. it should be by any means 25min max game but,
                                                        main points: 1 guys dced before start (dodge ready if rosh conetested i guess) radiant team didnt even try contest rosh, didnt even had curier!!!, loosy pussy or smting fed luna top like russ do giving radiant free gold+exp,
                                                        pugna + void cluelles feeding bot -->3min tower 0 skill 10k gold advantage, + every 10min aegis rosh is stupendus
                                                        and yet you manage to suck it so hard to be close game. (around 10min ursa has vlads blink ultimate orb!!!! rofl)

                                                        play cheat game as long as u will wdc, but dont be mad bro and spread ur cancer to dbuf

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          um liar? or idiot?

                                                          No one dced to dodge. They paused for him to come back. The pros, of course had proper use of courier and wards. The pugna is the legendary NS, who just "retired" after one of the longest careers in pro dota. He did make a critical error, skilling nether blast at level 1 instead of holding the point until he saw the lane. But they really put up quite a fight once they realized they would not easily win the game.

                                                          Mostly likely, liar. That would explain why you just made a new account specifically for the purpose of making this post without anyone knowing who you are. If troll, consider yourself fed.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            relentles ur blind, ur eyes and brain are fried maybe cause u post too many posts here, will u stop blindly defedning abusers?
                                                            go watch 5th min of game NO CURIER for radiant and 1 player dced while they were roshing.
                                                            but for ur logic that is proper use of curier and no atention to free leave if they get contested, no wonder u talk such shit

                                                            and ofcourse i wont infect my account with this shit pointless thread

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              Yes, lets not shame your account with your lies. You wouldn't want to have people know you are that desperate to discredit people.

                                                              Jotm thought they were going to dodge at first as well, but he got his butt kicked mid instead. If you want some is some very simple logic. No one left the game... they stayed a won the game. Does this sound like a dodge?

                                                              Now oleee444 does that all the time. Maybe you are his friend and that's why you think of the tactic?

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                LOL did he really make a new steam account just to make that post? :D :D :D


                                                                  MIN 13:42 PUGNA buys curier
                                                                  but hey let expert relentless talk, dont dare to respond to this delusional homo erectus and make this a spam thread

                                                                  it doesnt matter if pope john II made new acc, what that has to do with anything, embrace the fact and evidence you have replay.
                                                                  its not thread about me, its about abuser beging dbuf staff.
                                                                  rly dont want dirt my account with talk with unedcucated peon like you that doesnt differ importnat from uniimportant data

                                                                  as far as i remember puck took rosh exp. lvl 3 range vs lvl 1 ember mid hmmm, sounds even.
                                                                  and bigger mistake then taking blast lvl 1 is pugna pick in that lane, cause erly it has no chance.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Since you are so sure that this was a planed ursa-wisp and disc dodge game... Please tell me your theories on why both ursa and wisp randomed their heroes.

                                                                    The choice of Pugna is absolutely critical to stoping an excellent ursa+wisp early. It was a brilliant choice of hero and exactly the correct lane. He just didnt think he was going to get beat so fast that he would not make it past level 1. NS repicked to get pugna, because unlike you he knew it was the best choice.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      when offender has criminal files of same pattern and he repeat pattern again someone would think something?
                                                                      look at this guy:

                                                                      u seem clever relentless, but again sometimes u defend them lowering ur rep. they are ur friends i guess but still judging by other posts BIAS is not ur style.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        Yes, now we come to it. You have no interest in the game. You are personally upset by someone else succeeding. It is very likely because you tried very hard to do any exploits you possibly can, got caught, and so you are bitter and want everyone to share in your punishment. Its the predictable pattern of all children.

                                                                        Offender? Criminal? Why are you so desperate to pretend that someone else didn't play a game against pro players and win? Its because you are personally upset by it. Get over it. Sometimes other people can win too. Sometimes its not your turn to be the best and first and have the most attention.

                                                                        Chris dodged some matches....he did not dodge this one. This game he stays, faces the Virtus Pro stack and beats them. He didn't even play that well, but thats not the point. The point is he did not run away from the challenge.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          I used to do this "dodge" trick in my FIRST GAMES of my accounts when I was stacked with Kami (wave) which are like 15 games or so (6 months ago?)... but after finding out that it may cause my account to such harm, I stopped doing it, and started playing normal.

                                                                          Go search for 1 game in my last pages of wisp when we actually dodged a game for failing roshan.
                                                                          When Ole444's stack caught us on roshan, we could easily dodge, but we did not. They got firstblood and we had the worst start ever, but we kept playing. (even though we had many games were people caught us)
                                                                          Virtus Pro's stack also wrote in all chat "We know what you are doing" when we picked Ursa Wisp, we feared them to come over, but we did it anyway since I don't think all the 5 of them picked a hero yet.
                                                                          I don't remember anyone dcing in our side by the way, but if someone did, that's for sure not intentional... Lets think about it this way.. Why would we try to dodge Virtus Pro's stack that we knew they would not contest us on rosh, while not having a dodger in Ole444's stack game?(Which they know 100% that we are roshing)

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            "yes we come to it"
                                                                            ok relentless i draw back my words "u seem clever". you are loosing it and t trow shit now hoping that 14yo kids wil catch up to it, but i am not ur typical 14 yo kid on who u win ur argues here. not im wiling to loose time anymore.
                                                                            i saw more of theese threads including that players and u defend them. ur same abuser as them.
                                                                            ur totaly discredited.
                                                                            i played rosh lvl1 15min push strats agianst pros with 90+% sucess, and that 10% was mostly when we got contested
                                                                            and again its not thread about me.

                                                                            ofcourse i can acept when u win vs pros, BUT NOT THE WAY DBUF MUST BAN U FOR DOING IT
                                                                            im all about justice thats all, for example swiftending guy is real thing none can even come close to him here.

                                                                            dont try to trow child lolipops reletnless anymore, were not catching it

                                                                            k fadiflashi u seems ok, i just stated facts/thoughts of 1 game but relentless seemd butthurted

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              "I used to do this "dodge" trick in my FIRST GAMES of my accounts when I was stacked with Kami (wave) which are like 15 games or so (6 months ago?)... but after finding out that it may cause my account to such harm, I stopped doing it, and started playing normal."

                                                                              im looking at your wisp games and im not in it? are you day dreaming kid? and if you say it will harm your account, why did you assume playing least played, LHP, disabling mm sharing etc wouldnt harm it even more?
                                                                              LOL queue during day without low priority and dodge vs my stack more you pathetic scrub

                                                                              why bother arguing? relentless is a treant picker, he theorycrafts, he lack skills, his kda is fucking awful in every match, he cant do anything useful and in a pub games, he plays garbage and then he goes afk to theorycraft more. ive seen him play maybe 2-3 times out of boredom and it wouldnt surprise me if he goes afk just to theorycraft. dont let me get started on his theorycrafting tho ... jesus

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                he can be not so good player it doenst matter for theroy, dota is a lot of precise reflex mehanic skill. ¸if einstein was in dota he would proly suck mehaniclal but better tactics then puppy/dendi etc. villas boas never trained football, mourinho was average player but awesome tactics.
                                                                                but this is wrong and bias-ed 100%

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  but you see, relentless cant do both


                                                                                    Wow, more and more cowards are hiding their identities all the time. But given what you have to say its not that surprising you are ashamed to be connected to your words. Apparently 3.7% of my games as tree makes me a "treepicker". This must be a devastating insult in some part of the dota universe I have not yet discovered.

                                                                                    Perhaps both of you are mad about how badly you have performed in dota and that is why you hide? My record is there for everyone to see. Do you really think I am trying to pretend that I am not associated with Chris? do not like level 1 rosh strats? do not think that wisp-ursa is great combo that requires lots of skill and practice to make excellent?

                                                                                    Level 1 rosh strats are a wonderful, time-tested dota tradition. Ursa-wisp play takes a lot of skill and practice to get right, especially against pro-players. It is even harder to make it work now that tether does not stun. The entire Chinese pro dota scene ignored wisp for most of last year and lost TI3 because of it. They did this because it is very very hard to execute good wisp play. That is why the hero has a 38.27% pub winrate... the absolute lowest of all heroes. The fact that a team is able to use wisp effectively is a mark of excellence and should be something to be admired. You are just mad because it was not you and you are too selfish to let anyone else be congratulated for their success.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        Do you see me in any of these games that you posted? No..
                                                                                        Are you aware of the fact that this thread was supposed to be about me? Good.

                                                                                        My stack members don't play with me every single game, all of the games that you showed were "hours" and "1-2-3 days ago" while I didn't play any game in the past 4 days.

                                                                                        So what I'm trying to say... if you want to keep discussing about my stack member's games, go open up a new thread and flame them whenever you want. This has nothing to do with me and this thread.


                                                                                          you got flagged for least played, limited hero pool, wisp/ursa fail rosh abandon abuse which can be seen 80% of your games.

                                                                                          what you're trying to say is, you want a new chance which you don't deserve sadly and look up the word "flame" since u have no clue what it actually means


                                                                                            ^^Maybe if you did not play with these abusers you wouldnt get banned
                                                                                            Imo if you play lpq in 5 stack and leave the game for various reasons you just F'ing suck
                                                                                            But you still lpq with 4 other abusers its not my decision to unban/ban you and i think you somehow deserve it

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              c2363478 talks about discrediting while he has no credits in his pocket. roflmaoshitlolpee

                                                                                              it's like in gym, getting asked "you must've taken something to progress this fast", it boosts my ego a lot.


                                                                                                I can see that you have not read the whole thread, no point to repeat myself.
                                                                                                Check my 2nd last comment (does not include this one).

                                                                                                If you are not sure of what you're saying, I allow you to keep quiet. Trust me I know better than you when it comes to my own account.

                                                                                                Edit: Just read Darkness' comment:
                                                                                                They do not "abuse" or whatever you call it when we play together. Check my dotabuff profile as "no stats matches" and start counting with your hand how many games we "dodged" this month.

                                                                                                When Wuzzy Fuzzy had low priority in my last games, I did not "over-think" that this can cause my account to such harm, If I knew it, I could just kick him and invite Van-art instead which asked me if he could join.

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                  Maybe not so much in past month but if you go to page 3+ on those matches. Dude you were deep

                                                                                                  Also i auto assume when you play with v-snak there should be always a guy in lpq and van-art is a abuser too.
                                                                                                  It does not make anything better

                                                                                                  You have shitloads of io games with them dude dont try to justify it

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    So u are saying that u r in the normal bracket?
                                                                                                    "I still have like 90% of my games which are normal brackets, if not even more than 90%."
                                                                                                    OR WUT?