General Discussion

General DiscussionJust some ideas.

Just some ideas. in General Discussion
Donald Duck

    Can Magnus be played as a 4th/5th role? Goin in lane with a carry to constantly provide him cleave dmg and harass the enemies...isn't this ok?

    Should Luna get blink or force staff to initiate/ use her ulti properly? Sometimes high ms isn't enough.

    Is slark a good counter to Ns?

    Share your thoughts!


      let's see, a melee support without supporting skills and a trash mana pool with skills to help his carry push a lane. you might as well play 4v5.

      yes, agha blink refresher, not sure why no one though of this before, should be meta..

      .... ... .


        and u can even use skewer to push away the oppos from farm

        Donald Duck

          Another thing:

          Is the trilane viable after last patch? I think only aggressive trilanes are worth it, the supports can't just pull & clear jungle vs a competent offlaner. So their goal now is "take down the tower, give some space and map control". I guess.

          LUL REKt

            it is viabel stacking and pulling still works and if you cant sr\tack you can pull through


              Defensive trilanes are viable for safe lane semi-carries that have weak laning presence but come online very early. An example would be SA. Once he hits 6 he can rotate, kill junglers and supports while relieving pressure on both mid and off and forcing the opponents to sentry defensively, before returning to his safe lane to farm. However, his laning presence is exceptionally weak and needs some degree of babysitting to reach 6 safely.

              Defensive trilanes tend to be more viable if your offlaner is a hero that can function well on his own (e.g. Timber) and your tri is likely to be strong enough to zone out even a duo lane from the opponent's side.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Dire Wolf

                You can't really zone out and stop xp any more but you can still deny gold farm without too much trouble. So if the opponent goes 2-1-2 and in the offlane has heroes who need farm, you can still get a good advantage tri laning, it's just not as good as before.