General Discussion

General DiscussionReavalueantion of my last fourm.What is my best role?

Reavalueantion of my last fourm.What is my best role? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Dude stop worrying about roles and hero choices. No one hero is suddenly going to make you win games. Just get better at dota. That said stay away from hard heroes that need a lot of micro or positioning like meepo, invoker, visage.


      Try worrying about how good you are AFTER sniper and drow aren't your top heroes.


        Pl 40lh in 8:30 mins 1 try,spec 40lh in 9 mins 1 try,face 40lh 7:30 mins 1try this good?


          Btw iv seen people say that visage is hard? Iv have played hik and he isnt that hard even if im not playing him right he still isnt hard meepo im ok at i know know how to super poof so yeah he isnt that hard pudge isnt hard actually yesterday i played a few bot matchs and then a pub match and im pretty decent witg him now invoker..invoker is a different story he looks pretty hard i dare not touch him


            Depends what you call good. For a very high bracket player this would be terrible, but for a beginner it's nice.
            Keep trying a bit, but if you get tired don't stick to it, it's useless to get stressed training dota, unless you're professional.

            Visage is a hard hero because you need good micromanagement to control the familiars well in the teambattles and ganks. Of course, in low level pubs, just attacking with them is enough to get kills, but it's not the optimal way to use the hero.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              The reasob why drow and sniper is my most played hero is because i played them alot wheb i started now i barely play drow sniper i dont play him all the tine but i still play him


                So how long do i practice this when do i advance to like my next step in doing comp stuff when do i choose my role (or best for me etc)?


                  Bevause honestly practicing lh all day is going to get boring


                    Espcially if in the end i dont play a carry role be ause then i wont be getting the lh anyway so yeah


                      Anyone? :(


                        Instead of asking "which role am I best at?" you should be asking how to last hit better, how to improve map awareness, how to ward properly (i.e. how to not be a retard and ward rune spots every single fucking time like 90% of pub players do), how to balance creep waves, how to use spells in the correct sequence while executing a gank, how to build skill/item sets effectively, etc.

                        Since you're relatively new you should probably play with a friend or two; hopefully they're patient enough to help you out while still not being bad to the point where they give erroneous advice.

                        Practice lh 30-50 min at a time instead of all at once, the same way you would perform better by studying in intervals rather than cramming into one huge session. Of course if you're just "playing for fun" like most of the player base claims, feel free to ignore my advice, though I'm the type of person who thinks getting raped by retards is the exact opposite of fun. (Apparently, I'm in the minority)

                        And you're wrong; supports need to learn how to last hit too, especially if you're given a few waves to farm a critical item (mek/force staff/gem/etc.).

                        As of now you should assume almost everything you know or have learned about dota is incorrect.

                        Edit: I see you have ~600 mm games played. If you're not getting better go ask a friend to point out what you're doing incorrectly, otherwise you're wasting your time like most people "trying to improve" but making no concerted effort to do so. Eventually you'll probably end up like those 51% wr people with 2.5 k/d/a on most heroes who whine about solo queue all the time on dotabuff forums, and we already have enough of those.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Also i like and am good at pusher heros so thats another thing i should add


                            So ur saying before i should even think about roles i need to get better at the game?


                              1) You're not "good" at anything, unless you're using shit tier dota players as the standard. So please don't throw around terms with relative/vague meaning unless your intention is to play at such a level in the long run. "Good" is reserved for a small class of players who understand and execute dota tactics superbly.
                              2) Yes

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              King of Low Prio

                                dont be like End of time making smurfs


                                  This is my only "smurf," so it's singular (I see you've passed your "singular vs plural" 1st grade lessons).

                                  Unless you have something constructive to say, kindly fuck off.

                                  Not sure where retards get the gall to say useless things and get away with it on this forum, and implying an account with > 150 games is still a smurf is ridiculously amusing.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    such a angry little smurf. Did someone make fun of your main account that you had to become a smurf?


                                      *such an

                                      Your second sentence is grammatically incoherent.

                                      Yea, I was so mad at the 51-52%'ers who kept insulting me! I'm just that bad and insecure.

                                      Holy fuck you are really stupid lol.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I find it hilarious that you could only manage 60% on a smurf account WHILE stacking too. This cute little smurf has to fight new players to get kills so cute


                                          Holy fuck you are really stupid lol.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            where exactly am I wrong? There is only one reason someone makes a smurf account.


                                              Holy fuck you are really stupid lol.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Just ignore the smurf, these kind of players just want attention.


                                                  Okay so going back to the original question.

                                                  OP I think you need to gain a greater understanding of the game in general, by looking at how pros play, and follow the comp scene for a decent amount of time to learn what each heroes do well, how to do many things that you may never learn just by playing(where to ward in what situations, how to chain puck's skills together, etc.). Having casters who explain what is happening and why each decision is good/bad helps a lot too. Even watching page 1-2 games can allow you to learn a lot, especially in player's perspective, to see what that player is looking at, where he positions himself, or how he uses his spells.

                                                  An example of this would be the SS you played. Just because SS is a pusher later on in the game doesn't mean you forgo wards/courier etc as those are of more importance to the team, rather than getting boots/RoB as starting item, and honestly SS doesn't push well until he gets his ult. If you watched more comp dota/looked at general guide like how/when to push, what heroes excel at what in different timings in the game, etc, you would become a generally better player, no matter which role you play.

                                                  TLDR: Don't just spam-play games and think that you are getting better. Try to learn from people who are better than you, and get better at dota in general through guides or watching the comp scene, instead of just learning one hero or one role.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    for new players I personally think it is not wise to learn from a tournament perspective because there is way too much going on for new players to catch. It is much better to watch from the player perspective so you have less things going on at once and easier to see the small things


                                                      But then again he has 600 games played. He has a basic understanding of the game, just not too much of the mechanics or the meta-game.


                                                        if you are getting anything less than 70 lh in 10 minutes of free farm (in single player, so no pushing towers, pulling = last hitting under tower or killing/avoiding death), then I don't think there is any hope.


                                                          Alright um..where to start 1.the ss thing i have explained the ss thimg 2-3 times already like i said it was a stupid idea and it was partly my fault and partly my captains fault so how long is practicing EVERYTHING i just wanted to know what position i would be best at play that position with friends im not going pro demdi mode that would require hours and hours of practice im gere to play fun games of dota with a slice of compeditive in caps mode and not grind for hours and hours...your thoughts?


                                                            Ik im not the best player but im here for fun


                                                              Vandis, you look to be in too much of a hurry to get good. Dota is not like that. Man, I play this shit since 2009 and I'm barely in brazilian competitive level (which means pretty much nothing)


                                                                I understand thats why im saying literaly once i know which role im best at im going to hook up with some friends asgisn roles and just play team cap mode for fun


                                                                  But you don't have a best role yet... you can play captains mode with your friends without fixed roles, that's what most people do

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Why not? Is it like i havent been real good in 1 role yet or wat?

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      "if you are getting anything less than 70 lh in 10 minutes of free farm (in single player, so no pushing towers, pulling = last hitting under tower or killing/avoiding death), then I don't think there is any hope."

                                                                      Oh yeah terrible because a new player who has 4 months of experience is supossed to get that many last hits.

                                                                      I guess you were good at dota before even start playing it, that might be the true considering you only criticize people in a very arrogant way using a smurf accout.

                                                                      Dota is not a elite game.

                                                                      Vandis if you think you are good with one role play it. If you ask those guys here if you are good with a role they are going to say no, the reason for that its that they are not thinking in your skill braket.


                                                                        I guess your right then can i reverse the question wat roles am i bad at? If ur thinking about saying non then plz dont even bother answering

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Visage isn't hard if you leave the gargoyles on auto attack. But then he's not the most effective that way either, you might get better use out of CM or lion.


                                                                            Lol thanks but thats not rwall the question at this point lol


                                                                              If u guys also want u can maybe look at my matchs i mean watch them and see how my playstyle is and maybe that can help us figure out the anwser


                                                                                Alright il get it started then i guess Iv been told that i suck at Hard Carry and Hard Support and recently iv been told i suck at Semi-Support Iv heard no commemts on Semi-Carry or Offlaner but iv been told im good at being the "Tank"




                                                                                    honestly it seems that the best role for you is semi-carry as it seems that even tho u cant farm properly as a carry you manage to disrupt the enemy team by getting kills. u should play what u like, tho.


                                                                                      Alright anyone else wanna add?


                                                                                        Im just adding info here and there it also apears to be seen that im better with damage supports for ex:Jakiro,magi,madien etc instead of heros like dazzle,omni,kotl


                                                                                          Another thing to add is i hate initiating because wat usually happens is i initiate i die cus my teammates dont help me and then after i die then they go in and wreck everything.


                                                                                            My friemds have also comented that im better with safe carrys ex. Skeleking,Abbaddon,axe because i can be agressive with them and sometimes tower dive prherwide if i play hardcarry i will play it too safely


                                                                                              1. It's somewhat common that if you initiate, you die first.
                                                                                              2. For lower level player, Hardcorry will only bloom if he has good early game, which mean they need good support to babysit him. And that kind of support is really rare in pub.

                                                                                              By the way, we have no idea how good/bad you really is. Winrate alone is not a good indicator to determine one's skill. So, it's better if you share one of your recent game, so that i can review it. I don't want to randomly choose your game from dotabuff. You choose one game that's quite balanced (No stomping game). No stupid pick. Preferably losing game, so i can see how your mistakes affect the end of game.


                                                                                                I guess you should just play the A-Z challenge and see which hero you feel most comfortable with.


                                                                                                  Oh i already tried that trust me it wasent fun 2 months ago in the summer 4 days in a row and 12 hours per day every hero in bots


                                                                                                    Well plus im generally not good at hard carry because i have horrible gpm and although those heros r fun i dont want to be the one who fails and then screws our team plus i just generaly dont like playing the main roles...ig and irl


                                                                                                      Ah so wat game do u want to review from?