General Discussion

General Discussion[Suggestion] Show items with best win ratios by gold.

[Suggestion] Show items with best win ratios by gold. in General Discussion

    Currently the win percentages for items are pretty much, if it's a late game item, it has high win percentage, if it's early game, it has low win percentage, if it's something everyone builds like treads, it's around 50%, etc. etc. etc.

    So basically what I propose is displaying something like:

    0-3000 gold (5% win rate average)

    Animal Courier - 1%
    Magic Stick - 6%
    Magic Wand - 7%

    And then for 3000-4500, 4500-6000, and so on, and so on, maybe with different number ranges.


      This! The item win rates are a good stat but item gold to win rate rate ratio is better. As it is we kind of have to check the list ourselves to get a good idea. They've been very helpfull though. For example, I would have never guessed that Eull's was viable on Alchemist but it has over a 70% win rate. Upon using the item, I realized that you can cyclone yourself to cancel the stun. Plus the move speed stacks with his ulti and he gets all the regen that he needs.


        You will not get accurate statistic this way. Dotabuff only checks items once - in the end of game. So, dividing it by groups will not add any statistical value to the final result.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          maybe a bit off-topic but what i would like to see is not win % per Item, i want to see it per item build.

          There are some meta item builds for heros out there, also some different ones for 1 hero.

          e.g: (Midgame)
          Doom - Build 1 > BoT, SB, Shiva
          Doom - Build 2 > Phase Boots, Midas, Radiance

          i know its hard to say, cuz pretty much dividing the Sets with all 6 Slots is useless, often the team with the most, fast 6 slotted Heros wins. the games where all heros from both teams are 6 slotted are very rare.

          So maby define some Items and fuse them to "Item Buillds" and look at the win chance then. Its also possible even if dotabuff only gets the items at the end of the game. cuz for example the Build 1 mentionend above can also be listed even if the player bought an AC afterwards and then won. because the 3 items defined by the build were in his inventory at game end, the win or loose would be determined to this build.

          what u guys say?


            ^if 2 items from same build are there, that should be considered that build, maybe he sold boots to pick up aegis/bot, or sold midas or altered the build slightly... it would work for some heroes and not at all for others... you would need to set up those items builds by hand or use "smart" algorythm... the most common item builds whould show up and when its just close, it can usually put them into the correct group. we only want an aggregate stat, so a small error is fine, it should even out... its something that the guy should do, hes more into machine intelligence stuff than dotabuff and he has api too, so he can do it easily.